

Friday, October 22, 2010


There are many forms of bullying. One form of bullying is physical bullying. Many people will say that they have never been bullied but everyone has at on point. I have I am bullied at times because I am smaller than most people. If you have ever kicked or tripped someone else that is a form of bullying. I think that physical bullying might not be the worst of bulling though.
 I have never been a bully except sometimes when I am messing around with my little brother. Sometimes I see people being bullied in the hallways. I did not stop them but I definitely should have. I think the reason for that is because I am scared. I’m scared of what will happen if I do something about it
Some other types of bullying are cyber bulling, verbal bullying, and social bullying. In some ways cyber bullying is even worse than physically bullying. It is worse because people have gotten other people to kill them selves over the internet. So that is definitely worse of all the forms of bulling. I don’t think that anyone should get bullied no mater what they do.

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